About Backtracking the Common

Genealogy with a Texas Accent

If you’ve caught the genealogy bug, can’t get enough of your family history or just curious about your ancestors’ past, welcome to Backtracking the Common.  I think we can encourage each other.

Researching famous or infamous people is not much of a challenge.  The internet provides most of what we need with just a few clicks.  Finding information about most of our ancestors may prove a bit more difficult.  It’s what we call “backtracking the common”.

The Backtracking the Common website and Facebook pages are here to encourage, assist and share with our followers.  It’s also a place for our followers to share with us.  We welcome your comments and insights.

Most of our posts will spin off our own research into four family lines:  Roberts, Ingram, Byrd and Burns.  These examples will often include secondary generation surnames such as Nichols, Laningham, Riggs, Price, Horn, Bullock, Neely, Giles, Latham, etc.  Much of our research is in Texas, Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Illinois, and California.

Please take whatever will benefit you.  Please share what may benefit us and/or our readers.

Welcome to Backtracking the Common!  This is Genealogy with a Texas Accent!

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Gary Roberts describes himself as a “want to be” follower of Jesus Christ and healthy church enthusiast.  He researches, writes, and teaches out of Austin, Texas where he lives with his wife of 42 plus years, Dee.  They have 7 grown children and 12 grandchildren – and counting.  He’s relatively new to the field of genealogy and hopes his family will enjoy their adventures into the past.  He enjoys history, baseball, fishing and travel.  He’s a life-long Texan with family roots that go back to the Republic.  In his more recent past he was the lead in a church plant, pastor of two traditional churches over a 22-year period, worked in campus and national ministries and led family seminars.  Today, he encourages others to follow Jesus Christ into their neighborhoods and share in tangible ways the good news of Jesus’ Kingdom.  He’s available to share with others and discuss their questions.

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